Monday, July 1, 2013

Chapter Six: Part One - Reflections

A whole year since I moved to Appaloosa Plains.

After a year, I couldn’t really say that my move to Appaloosa had done me much good. I moved here with a dream to meet a cowboy and live on a ranch. That dream was more of a hazy blur now. My love life was a mess. I had met a man who was the opposite of my dream cowboy, thought I’d fallen in love with him only to discover it wasn’t really love, and then broken his and my heart. My career wasn’t in much better shape. I had only received one promotion in six months and, although I enjoyed being a talent scout, I definitely wanted to do more with my career.

After Johnny retired, he went to Europe and started seeing the world. He would send me postcards so I could keep up with him. I enjoyed hearing about what he was doing but part of me hurt every time a card came.

I was thinking about these things as I sat at the bar at Varg’s Tavern. I had only been here a couple of times since I moved to town and every single time, I would go to the upstairs section. While I sat at the table drinking a beer, I thought about the mess my life had become.

Maybe I should have never moved here. Nothing has gone as I planned. I love the scenery and have made some nice friends but I’m just not as excited about living here as I had been a year ago.

A voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Does your beer really taste that bad or is there another reason for the sour look on your face?”

I looked up and was surprised to see Chuck standing in front of me. “No, the beer isn’t that bad. Just deep in thought.” I ran into Chuck every now and then and those few times he had somewhat dropped his attitude toward me.

“What’s up city girl?”

City girl. Is he ever going to stop calling me that?! “Nothing you need to bother yourself with. Just thinking about maybe making a change.”

“You mean like changing your hair color?” I stood up.

“Why is it that you always assume that everything I do is related to looks? Like I’m some prissy little city girl who couldn’t possibly do anything but think about clothes, or how my hair looks, or if my makeup is applied correctly? Maybe that’s one reason I’ve seriously thought about moving back to the city! To get away from judgmental country folk like yourself!”

“Woah! I was just making a joke. Sorry.”

“That’s all I’ve heard since I got here: “Not bad for a city girl.”, “I didn’t know a city girl could do that.”, “City girl … blah, blah, blah.” I’ve lived here for over a year now and I’m still hearing it. The only person who never did that was…”


At the sound of Chuck saying Johnny’s name, I closed my eyes. It really did seem like Johnny was the only person who had understood me, and I pushed him away. Maybe I should just go back to the city.

“Look. Maybe it comes across as rude when people point out you’re a city girl but when they say those things, it’s actually more of a compliment. Country folk expect city folk to act a certain way and I’d say that goes the other way too. So when you do something that country folk don’t think city folk can do, it surprises them. Could they pick a better way of expressing that? Sure. Think of yourself as a teacher. You’re educating these country folk what city folk are actually like.”

“I guess that’s one way of looking at it.”

“And as far as moving back to the city, well…there’s not much I can say to that except this town would be a lot less interesting if you moved.”

I looked up at him and he downed his beer. He tipped his hat at me and walked out of the tavern.

I sat there confused for several minutes. One minute it seemed like Chuck wanted nothing to do with me and then the next he shows concern towards me. The last thing I needed right then was to add more drama to my life. I finished my beer and left determined to stay away from Chuck as much as possible.

At least that was the plan. During the next several weeks, I found myself running into Chuck more often. Sometimes I saw him at the Tavern, other times I saw him at the Karaoke bar. We started off by chatting about things happening around town but as the weeks passed, we started hanging out and talking more. Whatever had caused the awkwardness between us before seemed to be gone, but I was just as confused by what had caused the tension between us.

“Oh my gosh! The stove is on fire!”

I was cooking breakfast one morning and thought I would try my hand at cooking waffles. The waffles were almost done when the oven caught on fire. Thank goodness I had a fire extinguisher.

After the fire department made sure the fire was completely out I looked at the damage. It wasn’t too bad but it was going to take the insurance company several days before they could send me the check for a new oven. Money was really tight so I couldn’t afford to go buy one. I couldn’t stay at home with all the damage and with no stove.

I called Honey to see if I could stay with her but she had family staying at her house. I then tried Josy but she was having plumbing work done in her house.

There was only one other person I could think of. “Hey Chuck, it’s Amanda.”

“Oh hey Amanda! What’s up?”

“Well…My stove caught on fire this morning and I have some damage but can’t afford to repair it until the insurance company sends me a check. I know this is kind of an odd request but… is there any way possible I can stay with you for a couple of days?”

“Oh my gosh! Are you hurt?”

“No, no, no. I’m fine.”

“Oh good! Sure, I don’t see why you couldn’t stay here for a couple of days.”

“Oh thank you Chuck! I’ll be over in a little while.”

“No problem. See you then.”

I packed some clothes in a suitcase and took a cab to Chuck’s house While I rode in the car I started to think about the last time I had been at Chuck’s house. The memories of how Johnny and my relationship ended came back to me. The cab pulled up and as I walked to the front door I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Maybe this was a big mistake.

Just then, Chuck opened the door. “Hey Amanda! Come on in.”

“Thanks. I really appreciate you letting me stay here.”

“No problem. Let me put your things in the spare bedroom. You can sleep there…”

He turned to look at me and saw the tears in my eyes.

“Oh God! What an idiot I am. That’s Johnny’s old room! You know, umm…why don’t you sleep in the other bedroom and I’ll sleep in the spare room. Would that work better?”

“Oh I don’t want you to have to do that, Chuck.” Maybe I should just go stay with one of my sisters and take a leave of absence at work.

“No! Not a big deal. I don’t mind…really.”

I thought about it for a minute. Even though I knew I would be welcome to stay with any of my sisters, taking almost a whole week off of work would not be good. I decided to give in.

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” Chuck picked up my bags and placed them in his room. I was poking around the kitchen when he came back out.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh! I was hungry and I figured you might be too so I decided to look through your cabinets and fridge to see what you had. Hope you don’t mind.”

“No, that’s okay. Good luck finding anything though. I don’t keep much food here.”

“I can see that.”

“Do you want any help?”

“No. You go ahead with whatever you were planning on doing. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.”

“Okay. I’ll be outside taking care of Shadow.”

I searched through some more cabinets and the fridge and finally found enough ingredients to make some autumn salad. I had actually become a decent cook since moving to Appaloosa, except for the stove mishap. When it was ready, I called to Chuck outside. He came in and was surprised that I had found enough ingredients to make Autumn Salad. We each grabbed a plate and sat down at the table. While we ate we talked about things happening around town.

When Chuck finished eating he looked at me. “Thanks for making dinner. You didn’t have to do that.”

“I figured it was the least I could do since you’re letting me stay here. What would have made it better is a glass of wine.”

“Hey, I think I have a bottle of wine hidden in a cabinet somewhere…”

“You do. I saw it when I was looking through them.”

“Well then, how about I clean this up, get some wine and I’ll meet you in the living room.”

“Are you sure you want to clean up? I don’t mind doing it.”

“Nonsense. You cooked dinner, I’ll clean it up.”

I took him up on his offer and headed to the living room. I sat down on the couch and looked around. I had always liked this house. It had a rustic feel to it and all the furnishings complimented the rustic look of the house. I had spent many nights on this couch cuddling with and kissing Johnny. The memories of being with him seemed to haunt me in this house.

Maybe I shouldn’t have come here. I could still stay with one of my sisters.

“Hey, you okay?” Chuck’s voice snapped me out of my thinking.

“Yea. I’m fine.”

“But, you’re crying.”


  1. Oh Amanda, you silly woman, Chuck was tense around you because he liked you and was jealous that Johnny got to be with you. At least that's what I think, LOL. Amanda really should stop being all mad at Chuck. I did feel bad for her that she's still kind of stuck even after a year had passed since she broke up with Johnny.

  2. She needs something to jolt her out of her sadness, doesn't she...;^)

    I like your take on the situation! You may have something there...

  3. Crazy reason to stay over a friend's house.... what was her real reason I wonder... hmmm... I think she's lonely.
    She maybe needs to get out more.

    1. Lol! I know, right?! "My stove caught fire! Help me Chuck! She is really lonely at this point. Ever since she and Johnny broke up she's not gone out much.

  4. When a guy likes you and you with someone else he will act awkward toward you, when that man you were with leaves of course he isn't going to feel awkward anymore. Amanda sure is clueless isn't she? I think she is just comfortable feeling sorry for herself and that is why she hangs on to Johnny emotionally that is.

    1. Exactly! He doesn't have a reason to feel/act awkward anymore.

      Absolutely, she is the most clueless person but she does get wiser with age (thankfully).

      Part of what she's feeling is that she is sorry for herself. She had unrealistic expectations when she moved there and now she's having to come to grips with that.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  5. Oh Amanda. Pull it together girl! It's been a year. You didn't even love him! Sheesh!

    1. She's throwing herself a little pity party right now. She's upset about Johnny, that she doesn't feel like she fits in, and she's really starting to wonder if she moved there too hastily after her parents dying (although that's not really mentioned in the story).

      Thankfully, Chuck is patient with her. : )

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  6. Aww Amanda. It's just a house and poor Johnny isn't dead! I guess she's really crying because she's alone, Johnny wsas kind of a father figure to her, and she's feeling lost. Now if she'd just let Chuck be a boyfriend figure then we might finally get his shirt off :p

    1. Amanda is way too hard on herself. She blames herself for everything that went wrong with Johnny. What she's forgetting is that there wasn't much of a spark between her and Johnny.

      Hahaha! If you're looking for lots of shirtless pictures, generation 3 delivers. But there are some of Chuck later on. :)

      Thanks for commenting and reading!

  7. Lol. I find this absolutely adorable. That seems like such a strange reason to stay with someone - you'd think you'd just eat out of the microwave for a while or something. But, then again, in a real fire there might be more damage than that... Though my renters insurance paid for me to spend a night in a hotel when there was a sewer break in my apt... but I suppose that sort of stuff varies by the situation.

    I feel for her though. I'm pretty much the same way when it comes to people. I have such a hard time figuring out what they're thinking or meaning when it comes to relationships with me unless they're 300% transparent. These sorts of cues would just blow over my head and leave me just as clueless and determined to avoid them.

    1. It really is a strange reason for her to stay at his place but the whole Johnny getting old thing threw me for a loop. Lol!

      I can be that way too. And clearly, Amanda is. :)

      Thanks so much for reading through this and commenting!

  8. I feel for Amanda - I can be pretty clueless too. I often like someone has to hit me over the head with things before I actually get it. LOL
    After moving it takes about a year before you realize that things may not be what you expected it to be or realize that it's not standing up to what you dreamed it to be. But it usually gets better after that.
    I hope Amanda quits feeling sorry for herself soon otherwise she's going to miss out.

    1. I have my moments of being clueless too. :)

      It really does take some time to adjust to a new place and like with most things, you have to come to grips with what was your hopes and dreams and then the actual reality of living there.

      Me too! She's having a little pity party for herself but hopefully something or someone will snap her out of it. :D

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting, DandyLion! I really appreciate you taking the time to read all these chapters!

  9. Aww... Amanda is having a rough time letting go. Maybe she cared more about Johnny than I thought she did. Or maybe she just liked the idea of being with someone and it's hard for her to be alone now. Chuck is just trying to be nice to her, I think, but it's got to be awkward given I think he likes her and it was weird for him to see her with Johnny. It's got to be weird for Amanda to be the house sleeping in Johnny's old room and sitting on the couch where they used to cuddle and kiss. I hope she snaps out of it soon because all this sadness isn't good for her.

    1. I would love to go back and rewrite the parts of this where Amanda talks about how she's feeling. I don't think I did it justice.

      Amanda cares about Johnny, but it's more about how things haven't gone how she envisioned. When she moved to Appaloosa she never thought that she'd be looked at as an outsider, or be interested in an older guy and confuse her feelings of caring for love, and she feels she led Johnny on because his feelings were deeper for her than hers were for him.

      Then there's her confused feelings about Chuck. She likes him, probably more than she wants to admit since she feels that he pulled away from her (which might have contributed to her turning to Johnny since she felt rejected in some way by Chuck). It's a big mess and she's feeling more than a little sorry for herself.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting!!

  10. I think you did it justice. I got a clear sense of Amanda being conflicted and struggling to process losing Johnny and her feelings for Chuck. But I understand the feeling. I wish I could go back and redo some of my own chapters in Kass's story.
