Monday, March 3, 2014

George - Chapter Two: A Day at the Office

A little warning, George likes to use colorful language and will continue to do so throughout his story. :) Thanks for reading!


“Did you just say you found Charlotte?” I was asking partly out of disbelief and partly because I was still having a hard time hearing him.

“Yeah! Well. . .not so much found. I wasn’t really looking for her. More like I ran into her.”


“At a bar?!” Of all the places. “So what, you saw her and went up to her?”

“Yeah. . .not so much. See, my teammates and I were sitting at a table having a drink, I mean it George, it was just one drink. Anyway, I was looking around the bar and I saw this blonde woman who was serving drinks and at first, I only saw her from behind. So I called her over and that’s when I realized that it was Charlotte.”

“Wait a minute! You tried to hit on our sister?!” One drink my ass.

“Like I said, I only saw her from behind! How was I supposed to know it was her? Believe me, I’d love to forget it.”

“Okay, so you go to a bar, that you really shouldn’t be at in the first place because you just got out of rehab for drinking, you see a blonde server across the bar, call her over so you can hit on her, which we won’t discuss how much you must have been drinking to not see that it was our sister, and then realize that you’ve run into Charlotte. Did I get it all?” I asked sarcastically.

He didn’t say anything and all I could hear was the music blaring through the phone. After several moments he spoke “. . .I think that’s right.”

I groaned and smacked my forehead. I would have loved to give him a piece of my mind but at that point, I was more interested in the specifics of Charlotte.

“So is Charlotte still around? Can I talk to her.”

“Yeah. . .I don’t think that’s a good idea. She wasn’t thrilled about seeing me and knowing how you tend to be, she probably isn’t up to talking to Mister Psychologist.”

“Damn it Trev, stop calling me that. What all did she say? What happened?”

“She walked over and I was about to say something that you shouldn’t say to your sister and when I looked up I realized it was her. I stood up and we stared at each other, not saying anything. One of my teammates made a comment about how she was hot and I about decked him. I mean, he was hitting on Charlotte!” I shook my head at the absurdity. It was okay for him in his drunken state to almost hit on his own sister, but for his teammate who wasn’t even related to her, that was crossing the line. “Once I got over it being her, I asked her what she was doing there, which she responded that she was serving drinks, of course. I asked her how long she had been here and she said she had been in Bridgeport for six years but had only been working at this bar for five months.”

“That’s great, Trev. Did you happen to ask her anything about why she left, why she hasn’t contacted any of us in six and a half years, why she let us all think she was dead? Or better yet, did you tell her that she crushed Mom’s heart when she left, hell, she crushed mine too. Did you find out any of those things?!” I was basically screaming into the phone at that point. 

“Um. . .no? And see. . .that’s why I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to talk to her. You seem really pissed and pissed Mister Psychologist isn’t the best combo.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the same time. I tried to gain control of my anger and continued to press Trev.

“So, do you know where she lives? What she’s been up to? Did you find out anything useful?” Getting info out of Trev was always hard but when he had been drinking and his thinking was impaired, it was like trying to swim through a pool of molasses. 

“She lives here, in the city, it’s actually in a somewhat decent area of the city. She’s been serving drinks and singing sometimes at some bars. That was about all I got out of her.” At least it seemed that she was okay. “We did talk about her coming to my place tomorrow night so we could catch up.”

I almost dropped the phone. “You got her to agree to go to your apartment to talk to her and you’re just now telling me?!”

“Relax, baby bro!”

“I’m going to leave here around noon tomorrow and I’ll be there sometime in the early evening.”

“Whoa! George, do you really think that’s a good idea? I mean, she agreed to talk to me. She might get pissed if you show up. Plus, don’t you have insane people to help, or something? I mean you can’t just leave, can you?” 

“What is it with you and Will calling people who seek counseling, insane or messed up? They’re no more messed up than you!” He started to say something but I cut him off. “I don’t have any more patients after noon tomorrow. I’m driving there after I see my last patient. I don’t care if I have to get through you and all your teammates, I am going to see Charlotte and I am going to talk to her. And unless you want to hear an earful from Mister Psychologist, I suggest you get your ass out of that bar.”

He didn’t say anything for a minute. I was sure I had pissed him off but at that point, I didn’t care. “I won’t stop you from seeing her, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let my baby brother tell me what to do. I don’t care if you have five Ph.D.’s and know everything about psychology; no one, not even you are going to tell me what to do. I’ll see you tomorrow night.” He hung up and I stood there holding the phone up to my ear replaying in my head what had just happened. I had blown up and that was the last thing I should have done. I should have done almost anything but that. 

I hung up and walked into the bedroom. I had an early patient and needed to get to bed so I could be sharp in the morning. Before I could go to bed though, I needed to pack a bag for the weekend. Tomorrow was Friday which meant I would be able to stay with Trev’s  at least one night. I finished packing and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

Why the hell had I gone off on Trev and why did I always get so angry when it came to him and Charlotte? It was like I couldn’t control my anger when it came to the two of them. I knew that anger wasn’t the way to get through to them but it was so hard when I had all of these bottled up feelings and no way of expressing them. Maybe I should seek some counseling when I got back, or at least find someone who would let me vent my frustrations out on them. I couldn’t do that with Mom since I never wanted to make her feel worse than she already felt. Will was thousands of miles away and was in his own little world.  I really had no one I could talk to. It was times like this that I really wished Dad was still here. He had always given great advice. 

The last father/son talk we had was when we took a family vacation at Paradise Island. I had been upset that some people made fun of the fact that I liked helping people. Something that it seemed my siblings still liked to do. At those times I tried to remember what Dad had said to me eight years ago.

“Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks, G. The world needs more people like you in it and less of the naysayers. Believe me, there will come a day when even your siblings may be glad that you’re the way you are.”

It sure didn’t seem that way. It seemed like my siblings were way more interested in still poking fun at me and what I did for a living.

I turned off the bathroom light and crawled into bed.  I expected to have trouble sleeping with everything that had happened with Charlotte and Trev but I must have been tired from everything else that had happened that day. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing and I smacked the top of it to shut it up. I barely opened one eye and looked over at the clock. Was it six already? I yawned and thought about what I needed to do before work. I needed to get ready, make breakfast, look over my patient files for the morning, load the car and at some point I needed to call Mom and tell her I was leaving town for the weekend. At the thought of Mom I sat up and realized that I hadn’t told Mom that we knew where Charlotte was. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my phone. I saw that there was a text message from Trev.

Sorry about before. I shouldn’t have gotten pissed. 

I told Charlotte about you being at my place tomorrow night. She said it was fine, but don’t tell Mom. Not yet.

I didn’t like the thought of not telling Mom. She had been so worried about Charlotte that it seemed wrong not to tell her. I thought some more about it as I got ready. 

Maybe it would be better to hold off telling her, at least until I can get some answers from Charlotte.

I don’t want to get Mom’s hopes up and then have them squashed because Charlotte decided to run again.

I’ll at least wait until after I talk to Charlotte before talking to Mom. 

I ate my breakfast, looked over my patient files and then packed the car with the things I needed for work and my weekend bag. As I drove to the office, I couldn’t help but think about how in less than twelve hours, I was going to be seeing my sister who I hadn’t seen in six and a half years. I wondered what she looked like; was her hair long? Short? Trev had said it was blonde. Was she skinny? Too skinny? I had often worried about how she was living, if she was alive. I had so many questions and I hoped she would at least answer some of them. There was one that I really wanted her to answer. Why; why had she just left with no warning and without a care to how her leaving affected Mom, me, everyone. 

I pulled up to the office and tried to push the thoughts of Charlotte and Trev to the side. I needed to be focused and free from distractions while I saw the two patients I had this morning. I unlocked the front door to the office, walked in and turned the lights on. There wasn’t much to the place. It was an older building in town and I had gotten it for a decent price. It was honestly too big for what I needed but there weren’t very many affordable buildings for sale in Appaloosa so I was happy to have this space.

When you first entered the office, there was a waiting area and a desk that people could check in at. I had recently hired  someone to book appointments, check in patients and place files back after I had used them. I tried to do most of my work on my computer but I still liked to keep paper files just in case something happened with my computer.  Off of the waiting room there were two restrooms and then my office was behind a set of double doors. I was shocked when I had originally looked at the space that there was a whole wall of bookshelves. The realtor had told me that the previous owner had been a lawyer so he had had a ton of books. It hadn’t taken me long to fill most of them up with my own books, magazines, studies, and files.

I had my own desk and there were two chairs that sat in front of it for when patients first came to see me. I had tried to create a relaxing and welcoming environment. If a patient didn’t feel comfortable and relaxed, they were never going to open up to me, or anyone.

Off to the side there was a sitting area where I had a couch and a chair that was in front of a fireplace. I never understood why there was a fireplace in an office, but it had actually been a topic of conversation that had more than once gotten a patient to start talking, just enough to get a foot in the door.

I put the patient folders for the day on my desk and heard the front door open. 

“Good morning, Dr. Davila.” I turned around and Mrs. Greene was walking into my office.

“Good morning, Mrs. Greene. Did you have a good evening?”

“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Francis? And yes, I had a good evening. Mr. Greene and I had a nice, quiet dinner and then watched some show on the TV. I have no idea what it was but it was on one of those upper channels. You know, like two hundred and something. Anyway, I don’t know why we watched it, I mean, it wasn’t the greatest show. You would think with hundreds of channels we would be able to find something to watch but most nights it’s hard to find anything worth watching.” In the short time that Mrs. Greene had worked for me I had learned that she was a talker. She was one of the nicest ladies I had met, but if you let her, she would talk your ear off.

“I don’t understand it either, you’d think there would be more on TV. And as far as calling you Francis, my mother would scold me for being disrespectful if I called you anything but Mrs. Greene. So if you have an issue with it, you’ll have to talk to my mother.” I smiled at her and she chuckled.

“Well, I’m not one to argue with another woman about how she raised her children, especially when it’s obvious that yours did such a good job.” She looked back out into the waiting area. “How about I make some coffee for today’s patients and then, I’ll bring you a cup of hot tea?”

“I’d greatly appreciate it, Mrs. Greene.” She smiled at me and hurried out of the office to make some coffee and my tea.

I sat down at my desk and made some notes about the patients I was seeing that morning. A little before eight, Mrs. Greene brought me a cup of tea and soon after that my first patient arrived. I had been seeing this patient almost from the beginning of starting my practice here in town. They had grown up with parents who had a hard time expressing their feelings and often times, they had felt unloved, worthless, and that their parents were anything but proud of them. It had taken many months before they had felt comfortable enough to open up about their childhood. We had spent most of the first months, with them talking about their relationship with their parents as it was now. We had then slowly progressed to how that relationship made them feel and how it affected their behavior. We were now progressing into how what they felt as a child, the lack of love and encouragement they had felt, had influenced their behavior then and was continuing to do so now. We weren’t quite to that connection but I was hoping with them being more open to exploring their childhood, the connection would come.

We spent the hour first talking about how the week had gone since we had last met, if anything interesting had happened during the week, and then, as usual, the conversation changed to something that had happened with their parents. That opened the door to talk about their childhood. Each time, they were more open and revealed more about their past and each time I patiently listened and asked questions to help guide them. I could just tell them the answers but the whole point of counseling was that the patients discover themselves the answers, with guidance. It was often times frustrating for the patient, but every once in a while they would have a break through and it was like a light bulb went off. About five minutes before our time was up we chit-chatted about what they had planned the next week and then when our time was up, I walked them to the doors and they exited into the waiting room. Mrs. Greene was immediately offering them a cup of coffee to go. 

I spent the next hour copying notes I had taken during the first appointment, into my computer, reading up on a study that dealt with some of the issues that the first patient was working through, and looking over the file for the next patient. My second and last patient of the day was a newer patient. I had only met with them one time. They were like most new patients, closed, skeptical, not entirely sure why they were there but somehow knowing that they needed some kind of help. As Mrs. Greene showed them into the office, I motioned for them to sit on the couch near the fireplace. Not surprising, they looked confused. 

“Aren’t you going to sit at the desk and I sit in one of the chairs?”

“No, I usually only do that the first time I see a patient.”

“Oh. . .” They looked around and the sat down on the couch. I carefully sat down in the chair facing the couch and patiently waited for them to start a conversation.

“So, aren’t you supposed to ask me how I’m feeling or something?”

“Well, it’s pretty much up to you what we talk about.” I said as I relaxed into the chair.

“Hmm. . .I thought you were supposed to ask me how I felt, I tell you, you tell me what’s wrong with me, and then I’m fixed.”

“This is for you and about you. It’s up to you to share with me about yourself and that can be as much or as little as you want. But let me assure you that I’m here to listen, not to judge and what you say in this room is completely between you and me. We don’t even have to talk about yourself if you don’t want to. We could talk about the weather, how comfortable the couch is, even how nice the fire feels.”

I watched as they looked over at the fire that was in the fireplace and they got a quizzical expression on their face. “You know, now that you mention it, it’s kind of odd that there is a fireplace in an office building.”

“It is odd, isn’t it. . .?” I smiled and we started talking about the fireplace.

Once my second patient left, I copied my notes into my computer and looked over my appointments for Monday. Mrs. Greene came in and gave me the files that she had pulled for Monday’s patients and I packed them into my bag.


“Got any big plans this weekend?” She asked me.

“Actually, I’m going to see my brother.”

“Oh, well I’m sure that will be exciting. You’re going to see the one that’s a famous football player, right?  Not the famous writer. He lives far away, doesn’t he? So you’re going into the city? I wish Mr. Greene would take me into the city sometime. I know I’m an older lady but I still like some excitement in my life. But Mr. Greene would be happy to just sit at home and watch TV.”


“Yes, I’m going to see Trevor, the one that lives in the city.”

“Oh, well, that should be fun!” I listened to Mrs. Greene continue to talk as we walked out of the office and I locked the door.

“Do you need a ride home Mrs. Greene?” 

“Oh no! Look, there’s Mr. Greene now coming to pick me up. I do appreciate the offer though. Have a wonderful time with you r brother! I’ll see you Monday morning. Try not to work too much this weekend! Have some fun! Bye now!” I watched as she got in the car and then continued to talk to Mr. Greene. I waved as they drove away and watched as Mr. Greene drove down the street. I smiled as I thought about how Mr. Greene must be a very quiet man. I pulled out my cell phone and called Mom.


“Hi George, how has your day been?”


“It’s been good. I wanted to let you know that I’m going to stay with Trev this weekend. We talked last night and we hadn’t seen each other in a while so I thought I’d go see him.” I hated lying to her but I couldn’t tell her just yet why I was really going into the city.

“Oh! That sounds good. Will you be back Sunday?”

“Yeah, I should be back Sunday afternoon or night. Could you feed the cats while I’m away?”

“Sure! I’ll be happy to feed Parsley and Sage. Be careful. Tell Trev that he needs to visit soon.” 


I chuckled. “I had planned on it.” I said and smiled.

“Be careful! Love ya!”

“Love you too, Mom.”

I hung up and got in the car. As I pulled onto the main road I thought about how I was soon going to be seeing Charlotte and I didn’t know how I felt about it. One moment I was excited, the next pissed, and I even thought I felt sad.  I did know one thing; it was going to take every ounce of self-control to keep myself from going off on her. I took a deep breath and concentrated on the road and the drive to the city. 


  1. I love how we see into his head! It's interesting to see how he talks to his patients. :) I'm glad they found Charlotte, but hopefully, she's not too bad off. I'm confidant that eventually his brothers/sister will see that he isn't some crazy guy and loves what he does to help others. His role is very important in society and they will need him one day, I'm sure. :) Looking forward to the next chapter! :) Oh, and, of course, he's a HOTTIE as always! Can't wait for him to meet his bride! :)

    1. He's got a lot of interesting things going on in his head. =D

      I can't wait to get to Charlotte! Been chomping at the bit to write the next chapter. A lot will happen in it.

      He meets several interesting people in the next chapter. . .but I'm not saying if his future bride is one of them, hahaha!

      Thanks for reading and commenting, lovesstorms!

  2. Ahhh! Was so excited to see this chapter out, and even though I'm exhausted from working 2 16 hour shifts this weekend, I still had to read it right away.

    LOL, I feel a little bad for Trevor, it must have been so gross to realize he attempted to hit on his sister. I remember one time I was out with my brother who is close in age to me, and the waitress called me his wife, and I about barfed. So I feel Trevor's pain there...Boy...he does seem like a wild child, only one drink my ass. You'd have to be plastered to stare at your sisters ass before realizing it was her...

    I'm jazzed for the meeting between George and Charlotte, and I really hope that he doesn't try to psycho-analyze her or that could push her even further away. I know George means well, and his heart is in the right place, but its clear that Charlotte isn't ready to share her feelings yet--and we haven't even see her yet this Generation. I have a feeling there is going to be some fireworks.

    I love the part at the office. I had to take a Psych rotation for nursing, while doing clinicals and you did a great job! I would think by reading this chapter that you had a degree in Psychology. You definitely did your research or something, cause it was very believable, and I really like how you didn't show all their faces, and it made me think you were protecting their identities or something, that was a neat touch. :)

    Great chapter! I'm sure I'm missing something I wanted to comment on, but i'll sush now. :) Oh yes, I did. The most important part--George's ass! And George's shirtless pic brushing his teeth.....Mmmm.........*Faints*

    1. I'm sorry you've had to work two long shifts! Hopefully you won't have to do that again anytime soon.

      Lol! Poor Trevor! He likes to hit on women and drink, This time, it didn't work out too well for him. LOL! He is a wild child and so is Charlotte. The two of them in the city together may not be the best thing. . .Yeah, there's no doubt he was plastered to almost hit on her.

      George, try to psycho-analyze someone. . . ;) George has six and a half years worth of anger in him from when Charlotte left. He's usually pretty good at controlling his anger but when it comes to family, he doesn't have great control. Probably like most people.

      When I was in middle school, I wanted to be a child psychologist. So I've had an interest in it for awhile. I took a psych class my freshman year in college and then I also took a psycho-ed class for education degree. Plus, I saw a psychologist when my parents divorced when I was little. So, I've got a little knowledge rattling around in this old head of mine. :)

      I thought it would be neat to protect their identities. George would want it that way. =D

      Thank you so much! Hahaha! Butt shot was a request of yours. Maybe next time it will be the whole thing. . . Let's see, the shirtless picture count is now at nine. I wonder if I can make 50 by the end of his story. . .

      Thank you for commenting and reading, Amandralynn!

  3. LOL poor George, yelling at Trevor when he was trying so hard to control his anger. Telling someone who has to keep constantly going to rehab to leave the bar they're in when you're nowhere near them is never really a successful action, LOL. I'm happy Trevor wasn't mad at him the next morning, though, sending him the text. Mmmm, shirtless George... *dies* George in the shower? Mmm *falls off couch* XD He's so pretty, >.<

    Wow, his secretary and him are so formal with each other, and she's even really formal talking about her husband, referring to him as Mr. Greene. o.O Haha, I'm so not used to calling anyone Mr. and Mrs. anymore. I enjoy the fireplace in his office, LOL, it adds a cozy feel to the environment, which is what you need in a psychologist's office, you need the patient to feel comfortable. You wanted to keep the patients confidential from the readers, didn't you? LOL. I really wanted to see the second guy's face, cause he seemed like he was hot. XD

    1. Lol! Yeah, George was just so frustrated at that point that he couldn't control himself anymore and yelled at Trevor. Glad you're enjoying him shirtless and taking a shower. I agree, he's pretty. :)

      George is very professional at work and the fact that Francis is older than his mom, it makes it uncomfortable for him to call her by her first name. Like he said, Bridge taught him to act that way. It's actually a term of endearment for her to call her husband Mr. Greene.

      George wanted to keep the patients confidential. :) So I obliged him. The last guy might have been good looking. . .LOL!

      Thanks for reading and commenting, LateKnight!

  4. Parsley and love it.

    I think George is an amazing doctor. My therapist's office was this dark gloomy place. I hated going there, although she was a good counselor. I really like the office, so cheery and bright and yellow is a happy color.

    I hope George and Charlotte's reunion isn't tooo blow-uppy. He seems like he has a bit of an abandonment issue going on with his siblings. I can see how he would feel that about his twin.

    Lastly, BOOOTAY! God, he's hot. And just for the record, I had not chosen George as the heir (so I'm not in this just for a pretty face)!

    1. =D They're adorable too! They'll be in some later chapters.

      The office I went to wasn't a very happy looking place either. Mine was a guy and it's been so long ago, I can't even remember what he looked like except he wore glasses and had dark hair. Anyway, I figured that George would want his patients to feel comfortable so his office is cheery. Just like the blog now. :)

      He does have some abandonment issues and he has six and a half years of anger that's built up. Which he hates because he knows that he shouldn't hold onto the anger but he's human and he has issues to even though he's a psychologist. It's really fun inside his head (constantly going back and forth between Mr. Psychologist and caring brother). Their reunion. . .cases something else to happen. And now I'm covering my mouth to keep quiet. . .

      Hahaha! Eventually we'll get a full shot from the rear but I'm sneaking down there right now. I agree. He's hot! I normally would be like "Oh, that's nice of you to say" or "He's not bad looking, is he?" But even I'm going to just admit that yes, he is HOT!

      I wonder who you chose. . .I'm glad you're enjoying George though. :)

      Thanks so much for commenting and reading, Blythelyre!

    2. I chose Will. Probably because he is a writer. I have a soft spot for the geeky/nerdy ones. lol

    3. :) Will would have been interesting but he's also very isolated on his island. He doesn't have much interaction with everyone else. Honestly, George's story is the only one that really included the other siblings. So it's kind of funny that he was chosen. Will makes some appearances in later chapters so Will fans will get to see him again. =D

      I like all of them for different reasons. I like Trevor for being the hot mess he is, Will for being the shy nerd that he is, George for being the intellectual hot hunk, and Charlotte's musical talent and rebelliousness. They all would have been fun to write for. :)

  5. LOL Trevor is so funny.. A little weird that he almost hit on his own sister though >_> I'm glad he noticed it was her just in time.. XD George is right, maybe he should lay off the drinking for a while and get out of that bar hahaha
    Aw, poor George.. He's so upset about Charlotte, but I hope when they reunite, it goes good. I figure some heated words are going to be exchanged, seeing as how George is pretty upset, but I just hope it turns out fine in the end and hopefully they can make amends.
    *sees Will's name, dies* XD
    Aww, Mrs. Greene seems like such a nice lady. I'm glad he was able to find a great secretary to help the ambiance of his office for the patients.
    It sucks that he has to lie to his Mom about what he's going to being doing at Trevor's, but I do agree with his logic.. It's better to talk to Charlotte first before saying anything to Mom about it just in case Charlotte does decide to up and leave again :/
    Great chapter! :D

    1. The situations Trevor gets himself in are hilarious. Right now he's trying to hide his pain behind this persona he's created and he's really not ready to admit that he has a problem. The only reason he went to rehab was because he felt like he didn't have a choice.

      I just typed George and Charlotte's reunion. :) It's not all smooth sailing, but I think everyone, including George and Charlotte will be glad with the outcome.

      Lol! You'll see Will in a couple chapters. :) He pops in from time to time.

      I love Mrs. Greene! She's really just a sweet lady and she likes being able to help people even if it's trying to make them feel less nervous before they go in to see George or by offering them a cup of coffee as they leave.

      Hopefully Charlotte won't run this time. :)

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting, MrsOogieBoogie!

  6. George seems to a be good at what he does. Sometimes when it comes to family the best of intentions backfire. Hopefully that wont happen when he finally meets Charlotte again but I'm thinking his bottled up anger may get the best of him. I have my fingers crossed that Charlotte doesn't run away again. Can't wait to see what happens.

    1. George is pretty good at being a psychologist. He is just starting off though and he knows he has a lot of things to learn. He's got the book knowledge, now he just needs to take that and apply it to actually helping people.

      Poor George. He does have quite a bit of bottled up anger. :(

      Thanks again for reading and commenting!
