Saturday, March 15, 2014

Blog Feed Issues

Hey there! You may have noticed today that several posts have appeared, disappeared, and then reappeared. There's a reason behind this craziness and it has to do with my blog feed.  So last night, I was talking on AIM with a fellow Sims fanatic, LateKnightSimmer, and I noticed while on her blog that my story wasn't updating on her blog list. So then I went to several other blog sites and checked to see if my story was updating on theirs; it wasn't. It hadn't updated for 2 months. . .So being the problem solving loving person I am, I was determined to figure out why this was happening. (Thanks again LateKnight for your help!)

To make a somewhat long story short, I think I figured out that it had to do with my blog feed size. I had told the blog to post full posts on the main page. Well, if you've been reading this story, you know I tend to write long chapters. By allowing my main page to show a whole post, it seemed to cause the blog feed to be too big to update on other people's blog lists. So I took the most recent chapter (George's third - part two) and only allowed part of it on the main page with a link to read more (which is a setting in the blog feed section under settings). Does that make sense? If it does to you, then you're one up on me. Honestly, I don't care, it seems to be fixed so Yay!

I thought I'd post this in case some others have had this issue or maybe in the future have this issue. If it ends up not continuing to work, I'll edit this post.

So if you're having this issue, and you don't use Feedburner (because I don't and all the info on the net seems to be about that), then maybe this solution will work for you. :)

(That concludes the informational post. . .now, onto more pictures of shirtless George.)  =D


  1. I'm glad you could figure out what the issue was! Yes! Bring on the shirtless pics!!!

    1. Lol! I'm working on his next chapter now so not much longer to wait. :) Glad you're feeling better!

  2. As long as this doesn't effect my story reading time, I'm good!

    1. No, it won't affect it, but this writer's block and burn out hasn't helped. Thankfully I'm past all that and am writing again. :)
