Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Thousand Pardons!!!

I am sooooo sorry I have been away for so long!!!  We were snowed in for a couple weeks, kids had no school for that whole time, and I had 16 reports I needed to write while the kids were home from school. . .Not the funnest time. Loved having the kids home, but the reports. . .UGH!

So I've had no time to write or read anything until yesterday. But now that things have calmed down (as much as they can around here), I'm in the process of editing Jeff's chapters (4 total), Writing Trev's next (almost done), and in order for George's to come out, I have to get the other two stories out (since things happen that go along with George's. . .that will make sense later, after I publish the chapters). Anyway, I'm hoping to have Jeff's out by this weekend. Trev's by early next week, and George's by mid next week. That's the plan anyway. Lol!

Hope everyone is well and hasn't been snowed in. I'm ready for Spring!!! Who else is with me?


  1. It snowed a few days ago here and I was not amused as I spent the whole day shoveling my very long gravel driveway. *sigh* I'm one of the houses in town who doesn't have a paved driveway. Needless to say, no snow would be amazing, I hate that stuff. I would love for the season to change, so I am totally with you on that.
    Sorry you had so much stuff to do. o.O Holy god, that is a lot of reports. LOL. Glad to see you're still doing okay, and that you were just insanely busy. :D <3

    1. Still insanely busy, but the school year is about over. My plan this summer is to write and post as many chapters as I can. Lol!

      I need to catch back up on your stories and the others I read! As much as I hate not posting, I hate not being able to read other's stories. In the next week, I hope to do both. :)
